The American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) works with leading podiatrists and trusted corporate partners to provide our members with education, training, tools, resources, and services to help them become better practitioners and more profitable practice managers. Discover the AAPPM advantage today.

CME CertificatesCME Certificates

The American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) provides wide-ranging resources and professional development services to help podiatric professionals strengthen the business aspects of their practices. We also offer robust continuing medical education (CME) courses on key topics at our annual AAPPM conference. Learn more about our CME opportunities, the benefits they can have for your practice, and how to request CME certificates you earned at past conferences and events.


The American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) connects podiatry professionals with a wide range of resources, services, and products to help them improve efficiency, boost their business acumen, and make their practices more profitable. AAPPM members can take advantage of exclusive information, helpful networking and mentoring opportunities, and discounts on conference registration and offers from our Corporate Partners. Apply for—or renew—your AAPPM membership today.


Corporate PartnersCorporate Partners

Using third-party products and services at your podiatry practice can have numerous benefits, including boosting your profit. However, with so many options, finding a reliable company that offers what you want can take considerable time and effort. At the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM), our industry experts make connecting with reputable businesses, products, and services as simple as possible. Learn more about AAPPM’s corporate partners and what they offer. 

Consultant PartnersConsultant Partners

The American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) is the only organization that focuses on helping podiatry professionals make their practices more profitable. We forge and maintain partnerships with successful individuals and companies leading the podiatric industry, ensuring our members have the opportunity to learn from the best. Find more information on AAPPM consultant partners, your membership benefits, and how you could take advantage of a free, 30-minute consultation at our next conference.


The American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) is the leading organization for podiatry professionals seeking to improve their business acumen and help their practices become more profitable. Our fellowship program gives podiatrists with four or more years of post-residency practice the opportunity to distinguish themselves as true industry experts. Learn more about this prestigious program, including eligibility requirements, benefits, and how to apply for or maintain an AAPPM fellowship.